The finished mini:

Click on 'read more' for the tutorial and feel free to leave a comment!
First things first, to make camonetting you will need:
- A mini; In my case a M36 Jackson

- Some bandage, the clue here is to get a bandage with a nice wide structure, don't use any elastic bandage or fancy coated or double woven stuff, just the most simple (and cheap) is best for this. I believe that in English you call this bandage 'Gauze bandage' (correct me if I'm wrong though)

- PVA glue
- Water
- Paint (green, brown and black in any combination that looks good. For tanks that are not green like the US tanks you might want to switch the colors to the palette suitable for your own color scheme)
- An old brush that can be used to put on glue, so dont use your best brushes for this job.
- Some paper towel
For the extra mile is is also nice to have some sort of branches (I use dried Teloxys aristata known as 'Seafoam') and some flock to resemble leaves and foilage to put some branches into the camonet.
Step 1:
First step is to cut out a piece of bandage to fit over the area you want to cover, this can be the gun or parts of the turret or hull.

Step 2:
Make a mixture of water with a little bit of PVA glue and some black or brown paint. (about 10/2/2 rating) Soak the piece of bandage in it and lay it on a paper towel for a few seconds so it can lose the most of the excess moisture. This is important to make the bandage flexible but be careful to not put a fully soaked bandage on your model because it will then be covered with watered down PVA glue, something you definately don't want!
Step 3:
Now make a mixture of PVA, paint and a little bit of water (2/2/1 rating) and put the bandage on the spot you want it to be. Now use a brush to carefully 'dot' the paint/pva mixture on the net to fix it into place and paint it at the same time. Again be careful to not soak the bandage so much that it will overflow on the rest of your model.

Step 4:
The easiest step! Just watch the paint and glue dry.... (or do something useful instead)
That finishes the camonet part, if you want some foilage on it, just glue some branches to the net, tip the tops of the branches with PVA-glue and sprinkle some foilage over it. Its very important that the camonet itself has dried up or else you will have foilage all over it.

And the finished M36:

Hope this is usefull for some of you!
Simple, precise and excellent tutorial!!! BRAVO
Very good tutorial, thanks.
Great tutorial; thank you! My Armourfast M36s look pretty nice thanks to this.
Hi, where did you get your dried seafoam?
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